Only Effective Exam Writing Tips

Ideally, you should prepare for the exam a month before the exam. Divide the time into three parts. In the first 10 days, you will just read the material, which is enough to get a satisfactory grade. Then study the tickets in detail and thoughtfully.

During the remaining days, you should be memorizing and repeating the most complex topics to avoid errors in your answers.
Latest Updated on May 9, 2018

Preparing for exams is a complicated, stressful and time-consuming process, especially if time is short. In this article, we have collected the most effective ways to quickly prepare for a written exam.

You can check out other useful education tips and tricks, for example, how to write college scholarship essay on our site.

Tip 1:Visit a library

Visit a library and select the appropriate list of literature to prepare for the exam. Of course, it is more convenient for many to find information on the Internet.

However, according to the advice of psychologists, preparing with books is much more efficient, since young people have a well-developed visual memory. During the exam, you can visually reflect where you have already seen a possible answer to your ticket, and recall what was written on that page.

Tip 2: Organize your time

Students often work to earn extra money. Therefore, they don't have much free time. If you are among those who combine work and study, try to allocate time for preparing for exams. Let it be those days that are less loaded.

For those who do not care about the organization of affairs, we advise to draw up a plan of action. The main thing is to execute the plan just in time and never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

What are the first questions to learn? Choose the right tactic according to the circumstances:
  1. If you have already acquired some knowledge during the semester - begin to study the exam questions that you already have an idea about. This will prepare the ground for studying the interrelated themes.
  2. The second option is to move forward strictly according to the logic of the studied topics. Adhere this principle in cases where each subsequent topic is based on the previous ones.
  3. Leave for later the most difficult questions, be sure to allocate enough time for them, learn easy tickets at first.
  4. However, there is also the opposite opinion - the difficult tickets must be studied first, while your concentration and energy are at the peak.
Your task is understanding the information. Find logical links between the blocks of the studied information.

Tip 3: According to teachers, study materials are best absorbed in the morning

Therefore, try to allocate time for preparation precisely until 14:00-15:00. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and perhaps you better absorb information in the evening and at night. Then use the most suitable time for your benefit.

It is recommended to spend about an hour studying the material. Then there should be a break during which you can eat, go out, listen to music. However, don't overdo it, the break should not be more than 20-25 minutes. Otherwise, you risk not being in time to prepare for the necessary discipline. Don't allow yourself to spend on one ticket 2 to 3 hours. Set a timer, it mobilizes.

Tip 4: It is important to repeat information

Before you sit down to study a new question for the exam, repeat what you have already learned. Thus, you will be able to systematize the information that your brain has already received.

Tip 5: Write cribs

While you are writing, the information is getting structured in your brain. There is a category of teachers who don't reduce exam ratings for the noticed cribs. However, this is rather a happy exception to the rules.

Tip 6: Don't deplete the body with liters of coffee or energy drinks

If you are tired, then you should have a rest, you can sleep for several hours. Then take up work again. If you act according to the scheme of a sleepless night plus coffee, it will be very difficult for you to pass the exam.

Tip 7: Don’t forget to move

Jogging in the morning, physical exercises are great for stretching your muscles before a long process of sitting behind textbooks. Blood will begin to circulate better, and it will be easier to memorize new information.

The day before the exam, we advise you to stop your preparation. Of course, it is difficult to act on this principle, because panic can grow with every hour. Try to go out for a walk, let it be unhurried.

Tip 8: Relax

Yes, you need to give yourself some rest, even if you have only 8 to 12 hours to prepare for the exam. Within each hour, allocate 5 - 10 minutes to rest:
  1. Meditation, breathing exercises are excellent methods to relieve stress and increase concentration.
  2. Stretching or physical exercises will help relieve tension in the muscles and activate the flow of blood to the brain.
Try to sleep the night before the exam. If you don't sleep, you will wake up with a heavy head in the morning and the risk of not remembering elementary concepts.

Get ready in the evening: Charge your smartphone, prepare the necessary documents, so you won't rush around the apartment in search of the necessary things in the morning.

Published Date: Jan 26, 2018 17:46 PM | Updated Date: May 09, 2018 16:17 PM

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