5 Ways Professional Translation Services Outshine Software Translation

With improvements in technology, translation software has started positioning itself as a direct competitor to translation services. However, as many organizations have found out, such software is never a substitution for translation services offered by professionals.
In this article, we list out five reasons why professional translation services outshine software translation.
Not Just Quick Accurate As Well
If one solely looks at the speed of translation alone, then the automated software options will win hands down. However, speed is only a minor factor. The most important deciding feature is the accuracy of the translation. Speed without accuracy is useless. Will the documents such as internal training documents, legal documents, product manuals etc. can be accurately translated without any errors in the fastest possible time? This is the question on the basis of which both options must be judged. In this context, the professional translation services will beat out the software translations simply because the error rate of the latter will always be too high. So, when your company is in need of proper translation of important documents, using an international translation company is essential to ensure the quality of the translated document.
Context Interpretation
This is an area where translation software has never been able to match the services offered by a professional firm – interpreting the context. A translation service is provided by a group of people who can easily understand the context of a statement. In contrast, a software can only translate the document word for word. It cannot interpret the context and adjust the translation accordingly. As a result, the translated document by the software will end up looking amateurish and meaningless in some places.
Cost Effectiveness
In terms of cost, hiring a professional translation service could not be cost effective in comparison with a machine translation solution. However, in the long run, you will benefit from outsourcing. For one, the translation software will have to be constantly upgraded. In addition, the higher error rates of the translation software will result in bigger spending to correct it. A business will be better off budget-wise if they outsource their translation requirements to a good translation service.
Impossible Literal Translation
Sometimes, a particular sentence of a document may not be literally translated into another language. As such, the only way to translate the sentence will be to put an alternative translation that conveys the same meaning as the original sentence. And this is also something that only a human being can do. Any translation software can only translate every sentence word by word.
Custom Service
Finally, a software comes with a fixed set of services. A business can never use the software for any other purpose related to translation. In contrast, since any professional translation service is focused on offering tailor-made services, you can put in a custom requirement and the professionals will definitely try to fulfill your needs. For example, your business might want a particular set of documents to not only be translated but also to be emailed to individual patients. Normally, translation software does not have such features, which means that the business will be stuck with finding a way to email it themselves. But with a translation service provider, you many not face this hurdle.

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