Getting Prepared for Your Interview as a Wedding Dress Store Salesperson

If you've recently filled out an application to work as a salesperson at a store that sells wedding dresses, and you have been called to come for an interview, it is best to understand the important qualities that the store will likely look for in a new employee.  Latest Updated on Jun 18, 2018

Having this type of preparation can certainly put you ahead of the other applicants.

Because stores that sell wedding dresses have a very specific type of clientele with particular expectations, it is best to have as much information about the clientele and their needs as possible.

Here are the qualities that a wedding dress store will look for from a new salesperson.


Selecting a wedding dress is complicated and detailed. There are so many great wedding dresses to choose from with a wide range of elements to consider including the style, fit, materials, and overall look of the dress.

Clients will likely be confused about which dress choice to make and may not make one.

A salesperson must be knowledgeable about all of the elements of a wedding dress and be able to communicate them to a client and simplify the choices.

This has the effect of calming down the client and getting her to focus on herself and her needs, rather than the overwhelming amount of choices available in wedding dresses.

For this reasons a salesperson must be prepared to take the time to become very knowledgeable on wedding dresses, trends, and how to steer a client to the best choices for her.

Patient and Reassuring

The selection of a wedding dress is one of the biggest decisions that a woman will make in her life. She will be nervous and unsure and often vacillate between excited and depressed.

She is likely to have several people with her who may not make things easier if they have different tastes and ideas of what is beautiful. In the end she is likely to not make a decision and want to review of dresses at other shops.

For this reason, a salesperson must be patient and supportive of a client’s attitudes and needs. This is not the type of Industry, where the pushy salesman wins.

Instead the salesman that encourages the client to be comfortable and sure about their dress choice, is the one that is successful and will get additional business through that client.

Caring and Empathetic

Very few brides-to-be will look like those that we see in the wedding magazines. All of the women there are thin, with perfect shapes and skin, and an abundance of poise.

In reality, the clientele coming to the wedding store are average women who may only don't possess a small amount of these qualities. Many of them will be self-conscious about the fact that they do not fit the prototypical bride look.

They have a high standard in their minds before they try on a dress, but when they see themselves in that dress, they can often get depressed because their vision doesn't match the reality.

The Salesperson must be empathetic to the client and serve as a positive and uplifting voice. Many of the dresses that the bride-to-be will pick, will be based on their belief that that dress will look perfect on them.

Employee must be able to gently steer the client away from unrealistic expectations and toward a look that is complementary and appropriate. Doing this requires a level of caring for the client that translates to the client.

As long as this is maintained, the employee has an ability to advise the client on better and more appropriate dress choices. For this reason, the business will require that the new hire has an abundance of caring and empathy.

Be prepared to talk through how you would respond to certain situations as a salesperson at the business and be sure to emphasize that you put service of the customer as a primary goal.

 Published Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:30 PM | Updated Date: Jun 10, 2018 12:30 PM

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