Amazing Workplace Benefits That Employees Love

There are several young entrepreneurs who have kick-started their businesses brilliantly. But, it is equally important for them to understand the fact that with time the number of employees in the firm is likely to increase.

Managing 5 employees is comparatively easier than 50 employees.

In order to fulfil this role effectively, a company needs to understand employee grievances and work on them.  Latest Updated on July 19, 2018

An unhappy or distracted employee is less likely to be productive at work. One effective way to keep your employees happy and motivated towards their work is to provide them with much needed breaks or some benefits.

Listed below are some of the perks that every employee would love their employer for:

Frequent Breaks During The Day
Most workplaces would have strict norms for employee attendance and consider irregularity and frequent late comings as a behavioural issue.

While being punctual is important an employer needs to understand the actual reason behind this irregularity.

Employees have to deal with tough deadlines which results in mental exhaustion. This exhaustion and lack of rest are two major causes of showing up late at work.

These two causes are often observed in employees especially working in a creative hub and several other businesses as it involves meeting deadline on a short notice.

Frequent breaks during the day give employees and employers a chance to refresh their minds. This refreshment of mind and soul ultimately leads them to a lucrative solution.

If a small business owner experiences financial crunch they constantly worry about the amount of investment made in the company and its effect. Instead, they should look for solutions that help them to manage cash flow finance and continue their process.

To make this happen, they can get in touch with one of those companies which offer business loans rather than applying to a bank. There are a handful of good companies who do not charge hidden fees and are upfront about the charges levied on owners. Such companies do not take several days for the procedure. On the contrary, it is done within a span of few days which is quicker than most banks.

Unlimited Vacation
Giving your employees the liberty to decide the duration of their vacation can be yet another benefit that you could offer them. Most employers disagree to this but they do not realise that this motivates employees to work harder and be more productive.

This policy can be only effective when there is mutual trust amongst both employee and employer. To be on a safer side, you can set rules so that there is uniformity amongst all your employees. Besides, employees are responsible enough to understand their duties towards their work.

Such a comfortable work environment assures employees of their job security.

Flexible working hours

You might have noticed young entrepreneurs working round the clock. In fact, they work from every part of their house including the rest room. In order to meet with strict deadlines they are constantly in touch with their employees and so they too have to work odd hours to meet the targets.

In order to avoid this situation, you can implement flexible working hour policy so that companies can simply work when they are required. Additionally, employees are focused on accomplishing set goals and not just the working hours.

 You can adopt two policies- one where employees work for X number of hours but the work schedule is as per employee’s convenience. The second policy gives complete freedom to employees which means they focus on work quality and not the number of hours they put in.

Feasible commute
For some employees reaching the workplace on time can be a big task every morning. If they take the public transport, they cannot afford to be even a minute late or if they are driving, they might get stuck in the traffic. This can be one reason why they are often late for work.

You can resolve this issue by offering a convenient commute option or an extra sum for commute so your employees do not have to bear the financial crunch. This way, they do not have to worry every morning about missing their bus or train.

Free Food
Preparing meal is one essential and time consuming task of the day. Most individuals choose to pick a take-away instead of preparing their own people as this saves time. Employees stick to unhygienic routine by consuming junk food on a daily basis.

You can motivate your employees to choose healthy meals by offering them free food coupons. You can also ask them to indulge in a healthy week campaign where they have to eat healthy for 7 consecutive days and win something in return.

In this manner, your employees will save money and be healthy at the same time. However, it is your responsibility to offer healthy combos to your employees so that they do not go back to junk food.

Fitness Provision
Imagine your employee taking a sick leave after every fortnight. This is definitely counts as an unprofessional behaviour and it also increases the medical expense. This can be avoided by offering free gym coupons or vouchers to employees.

You can pick special occasions like Valentine’s Day for couple vouchers or Women’s Day for all the ladies, etc. This will motivate them to hit the gym regularly and maintain their health. You can also keep occasional Zumba classes or Yoga sessions to encourage them and pursue it further for a healthy living.

A combination of all these workplace benefits offers freedom and motivation to continue working happily.

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