Boarding Schools: What are The Biggest Concerns of Parents?

Being a parent is the most hectic & tedious job across worldwide and the worst part is there is no training and shortcuts for this profile. Parenting lessons get start from the moment you become parent.

It’s the most self-less job in which learning curve grows exponentially and over the time, concerns get multiplied. Since every child is different, you cannot even copy paste the parenting skills of anyone else.

If you’re planning to send you child to a boarding school in Mumbai or anywhere else, there are new concerns everyday and just before the day your child starts boarding school, your mind gets occupied with fears & insecurities.

Finding the solution to your concerns is the most important thing. So, spend some time over your concerns and seek clarification.

The most essential part of making your child ready for boarding school is to make yourself ready.

Following are the few common questions that every parent contemplates and seeks answers for:

Is My Child Safe At Boarding School?
No matter how old the child gets, safety & security is the primary concern of every parent and it gets the utmost priority when parent is not around the child. Being a parent, cribbing over the safety & security concern is absolutely normal; but it’s important to know that boarding schools are more concerned about the safety and security of your child since it questions their repute.

Your child is taken extra care at boarding school and hence they will be safe & secure. To be sure about this concern, you can check the track record of the boarding school you’re considering for your child.

How About Academics at Boarding School?
Students do extra-ordinarily well in academics at boarding schools. At boarding schools, students not only perform well in academics but also in other activities and above all, they learn responsibility and punctuality.

They build a character and focus is one overall personality development. At home, children are either alone or with their parents but at boarding school, they are always surrounded with the same age group people. .

Hence, they tend to develop as per surroundings and turn out to be a better global citizen than a day school. Environment at boarding schools nurture and groom the child from different aspects.

Do They Get Time For Themselves?
It’s a myth that 24 hours of students’ life are bounded by boarding schools. However, the fact is that there is a fixed timetable to be followed.

The timetable is set to teach them punctuality but it is also true that there is free time for the students so that they can decide where to spend that time.

They can do whatever they like during that spare time as they are not bounded for library or sports complex or auditorium. They have their own to spend at leisure.

Only Spoiled Children Join Boarding School
It is a complete myth that only spoiled children join boarding schools. Most of the boarding schools conduct an entrance examination for admissions. Hence, it is made sure that non-sincere students are not admitted to maintain the decorum of the school. Also, it is kept in mind that healthy peer group is provided to the students for their better growth & development. 

Will My Child Get Emotionally Detach From Me?
Emotional concerns are always there whenever it is about distance between parents and children. But it’s all about the bright future of your child. It’s a myth that child forgets or gets emotionally detach from his/her parents after attending boarding school.

However, the thing is that the bond grows fonder over the time. When child has to do the things at his/her own that parents used to do like laundry, serving food, making bed etc., he/she realizes what is missing.

Moreover, there is option of stay at home over weekends at many boarding schools, so it can come to the rescue.

Is Hometown Good Enough For Boarding School? 

Choosing boarding school in your hometown or somewhere else is totally your decision. Our advice is to find the best one whether it is available in your hometown or some other city.

Check out facilities provided at various boarding schools and trace the track record of results and alumni. Choosing hometown just because it will be close to your home won’t make any sense if your child doesn’t get the best facilities & amenities of a boarding school.

Which is the best boarding school?
There is huge number of boarding schools in India and it’s really difficult to choose the best when everyone tends to claim to be the best. Before zeroing in, have the list of boarding schools and facilities provided by everyone.

It is also advised to visit each school once to know about faculty members, hostel facility and administration. You can talk to existing students at the school about the facilities provided. Then, as per your priorities, you can choose the best boarding school for your child.
If you are looking for the best boarding school in Mumbai for your child, check out Vagad Pace Global School which is affiliated to CBSE.

It is a co-educational school where students, teachers and administration eat and live like a family under one roof. A healthy yet competitive environment is provided to the students for their betterment and all-round development.  For more info, browse Vagad PACE Global School.

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