Admission Exams: 10 Tips on How to Pass Easily and Fast

During our years in the academic process of growing up, many of us have dream schools that we would have loved to get in. For some, their desires became, and manifestation and others had to re-adjust.

It’s mainly because different schools have admission exams that potential students have to sit, to determine their fitness to the institution.

However, as with all exams, not many do get away with the last minute rush, as you go through various revision materials.
Pass Admission Exams Fast Easily
Since exams are a dreaded stage for many, even those contemplating on what to include in their statement of intent graduate school; it is something that one can overcome.

Below are tips that will guide you on how to go about it:

1.Have a study plan

A study plan pushes you actually to do the studying. Once you register for the entrance exams, plan your time up until that date. Therefore, it is better to register and start your preparations, early.

2.Give more time to the subjects that give you trouble

The entrance exams test a student’s knowledge that they have acquired this far. Most likely, it will be a test on your understanding of a particular subject, if not course-specific. If you don’t have time to go through all the relevant topics on the subject, then, focus on those that you struggle with.


In your statement of intent, your sole focus isn’t on the statement of purpose formatting. You also need to persuade the reviewer that you are a worthy candidate for the school. The same applies to admission exams.

Show your desire to get accepted by asking those who’ve taken the exam before you, for pointers. Search the web for information, too.

4. Go through Past Papers

Doing this will prepare you mentally of what to expect in the exam room. If you aren’t allowed to use a calculator, then, familiarize yourself with solving problems without it.
Time yourself, too, as per the given time in the papers.

5. Develop an Exam Strategy

I used to attempt exam questions in chronological order until a wise birdie implored me not to. This advice applies to every exam that you sit unless it’s online and you can’t move to the next question until you have answered the current one.
Start with the sections that are easy then end with the difficult ones.

6. Identify your style of learning

One statement of purpose for MBA for a particular program is different from the one suitable for another, and so is each person’s style of learning. Find out what style suits you and make use of this.

Listen to course materials if you are an auditory learner or experiment with the problems if you are a kinesthetic learner, and so on.

7. Make studying fun

It will help you absorb the materials faster. Join a study group. Play review games with a study partner. Use color codes for your notes and more.

8. Familiarize yourself with the testing center

Well, you may not want any more surprises than what comes in the test paper, during the test-taking day. Also, knowing where you will take the test will help you prepare and ensure you get there in good time.

9. Prepare all the essentials

Create a checklist and ensure that you have all the needed materials for sitting the test. That includes a test permit if you need one.

10. Believe in yourself

Trust that what you have covered thus far is good enough to help you sail through the exam.


Fear cripples many students from fully uploading their knowledge on the test paper. Be confident, create a study schedule and purpose to stick to it.

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