Four reasons why studying online is the best place to learn

The world has come a long way in a very short space of time since the dawn of the digital age. Where less than thirty years ago things like the internet and cell phones hardly existed, they are now ubiquitous.

They have shrunk the world and they have made things that we were impossible, very simple.

Unfortunately, however, prevailing attitudes and mindsets have taken a little longer to move with the times and as such there are often snobbish attitudes towards the new ways of doing things.

There is a prevailing attitude that studying at a traditional university or college is the way to go, with plenty of old-school people suggesting that online institutions are second-rate. This is not true.


Here are some reasons why studying online is the way.

So many options

It goes without saying that bricks and mortar institutions cannot move. If you want to study at a specific one, you need to go there.

You might be lucky enough to be able to, but this is not always possible. With study online you can find the course that works best for you and you can enroll yourself. It doesn’t matter if it is run by an institution around the corner or on another continent.

A simple search with the details of hat you are looking to study should produce an avalanche of options. For example, if you were to type something like ‘diploma of building and construction management’ into a search engine, you might be very surprised by what results are returned.

This will allow you to compare course material, lecturers, requirements and prices and afford you the opportunity to make a decision based on things that matter to you – as opposed to being limited by location.

Better prices

Because there are no buildings and facilities to maintain, online institutions are able to charge significantly less.

There business models also benefit from the fact that class sizes are not limited by lecture theatre capacity, which means that they can have more students paying less.

There is no compromise on the quality, in fact it is often better, because the professors and lecturers can be paid more. Talk about a win!

Time is money

For many people studying is something that they want to do in their spare time. This does not apply to everyone, and without a doubt there is a lot to be said for the social side of studying (and partying) at a university, but for those who work by day and study by night, online is a great way to do what you need to do, from the comfort of your home.

Environmental impact

No bricks and concrete footprint. No need to print course material. No need to travel to and from campus.

No need for air conditioners and generators and the utilities that are needed to power a modern tertiary institution. It is a win for the world as you study from home without increasing your carbon footprint.

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