POWER writing: Secret weapon for writers

Do you often find it difficult to write things? Like emails, letters or essays?

Do you sit down to write something and then realize you don’t know what to write?

If your answer is yes, then this lesson will help you to overcome exactly these problems because I’m going to teach you a very simple trick that you can use to write anything easily, quickly and effectively.

This is a process used by the best writers in the world and it’s called the POWER writing method.

You can use it to write emails for work, essays for your English exam, you can use it for letters, business reports, blog posts, and stories – basically, anything that you need to write.

Alternatively, it is easy to order an essay online at any time.


This is the order you will follow and it will allow you to write without getting stuck by focusing on one task at a time.

But you might be asking – why is it called POWER writing? Well, POWER refers to the five stages of the writing process: Prepare Organize, Write, Evaluate and Review.

This is the order you will follow and it will allow you to write without getting stuck by focusing on one task at a time.

So let’s start with the first stage – Prepare. Before you write anything at all, you must prepare for it.

This is because the reason we often struggle to write is that we don’t have enough ideas when we put pen to paper.

So the most important task of writing is to come up with good points before you write. So this is the very first stage – before you write a single sentence, you’re going to collect ideas.

And here’s how you do it: You take your paper and pen (or you can do this on your computer if you wish), and you note down anything that comes to mind.

Don’t criticize your ideas – don’t leave out or discard anything. Whatever you get, write it down. Don’t worry about organizing your ideas – we’ll do that in the next stage.

Also, don’t worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation – remember we just want ideas so if there are mistakes, no problem.

And keep doing this until you have no more ideas. As an interesting note, this process of coming up with ideas is called brainstorming. 


OK, once you have the ideas you need, you move on to the second stage, which is Organize. The goal of this stage is to produce an outline for what you’re going to write. That is, you’re going to structure your ideas in a logical manner.

So, what should the reader read first? What should he or she read next? And what should your reader, read last? So at this stage, the first thing you do is go to the ideas you’ve collected, and select the best ones. After that, you take those ideas and arrange them in the most logical sequence.

So now time to move on to stage three – Write.

This is where you’re actually going to put pen to paper. That is, you’re going to take the ideas in your outline and write full sentences for them.

Treat this as only your first draft. That means, just focus on writing full sentences without worrying too much about grammar, vocabulary, spelling or punctuation.

Just go with the flow and write out some sentences. You can come back and correct the mistakes later.

Now, if you’re writing in an exam, then you need to try to write correct sentences in your first draft because you don’t have time, but in all other situations, leave the corrections for later.

Sometimes, as you’re writing, you might think of some additional ideas to include or you might want to remove something or move ideas around, that’s OK – it’s a natural part of the process.

Alright, let’s go back to our outline and write some full sentences. So here I have the outline that we created (I’ve added a few words here and there to make it easy to understand).

The next stage – Evaluate.

This is the stage where you check your work. This is also called proofreading. There are four things you need to look at: vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

First, . Then you check to see if there are any grammatical mistakes you need to correct.

After that, you check if you have spelled all the words correctly, and finally you look at your punctuation (that is periods, commas, question marks etc.) and make any corrections that are necessary. Alright, we’re back to our first draft.

So here we have our final draft, and it looks pretty good to me.

So now, we go on to the final stage – Review.

OK, by now, you will have a pretty good piece of writing that’s almost ready to go out into the world.

But before that, it’s always a good idea to go over it one final time to make sure that it reads well. You do this to check that what you have written has the intended effect on the reader (that is the effect that you want).

If you have time, or if you’re writing something longer (like a report or a story), then the best practice is to not review it immediately.

This is because after you finish writing, your mind will still be full of the same ideas. Instead, you should leave it and come back to it the next day (or, at least, after a few hours).

This way, you will look at it with a fresh pair of eyes and it will be easier to notice any last-minute corrections that you need to make.

When you review, it’s good to read it out loud and not just silently in your head, so you can check if your writing sounds natural.

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